Dragonbound Vol.1

  • English sample translation available.
  • Vol. 1 of this gripping romantic-fantasy trilogy draws readers into a maelstrom of betrayal, power, magical alliances and forbidden feelings. 
  • Darker and more sensual than "Fourth Wing", but just as addictive.
  • Topics: dragons, magic, forbidden love, secret identity, enemies to lovers, fated mates, fighting a suppressive system, impossible love, betrayal, fate

Additional sales information:

  • 150,000 copies sold of Marie Niehoff's fantasy debut Vampire Royals (Vol. 1+2). Rights were sold to: the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Ukraine.
  • Vampire Royals Vol.1 and 2 were on the Spiegel bestseller list (Vol. 2 was on #1), Vol. 1 was nominated for the TikTok Award.

In the world of Eldeya, a realm where dragon shifters once ruled the skies until humans rose up, now a strict regime prevails. Three offenses are punishable by death: betrayal, desertion, and relationships between riders and dragon shifters.

At the behest of the tyrannical King Ylving, his military combats the rebels from the seceded region of his kingdom, Eldeya. Among the soldiers is Yessa, a young woman who has recently been promoted to captain. Throughout her life, she has been accompanied by her half-sister Livia, a dragon shifter, who was always more to her than merely a servant— a secret she has concealed due to the country's stringent laws. After Yessa's entire troop is killed in an ambush, the loss of Livia devastates her. However, instead of being allowed to mourn, she is assigned a new dragon shifter, Cassim—the man privy to her deepest secret, whose knowledge could unravel all Yessa has achieved throughout her life. Cassim, a covert rebel with his own agenda, initially greets her with disdain and hostility but, as they spend more time together, their relationship deepens. Despite all logic, trust burgeons between them, along with forbidden sentiments. Yet, Yessa isn’t the only one harboring secrets. As she wrestles with the decision to breach the third law, Cassim has already transgressed the first...

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Hungary - Könyvmolyképző

  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 15.10.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-01412-3
  • 448 Pages
  • Series: Die Dragonbound-Trilogie
  • Author: Marie Niehoff

Please be advised that the book cover may be used in its original design only. Details and distortions are not permitted under copyright law.

© privat
Marie Niehoff

Marie Niehoff , geboren 1996, hegt schon seit ihrer Kindheit eine Faszination für fantastische Geschichten. Diesen darf vor allem eines nicht fehlen: Romantik. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt, malt sie, kreiert Moodboards, kümmert sich um ihre unzähligen Zimmerpflanzen oder legt Tarotkarten. Ihr Fantasy-Debüt, «When The King Falls», stieg unmittelbar nach Erscheinen auf die SPIEGEL-Bestsellerliste ein. Band 2, «The Queen Will Rise», erreichte sogar Platz 1. Auch «Burning Crown», der erste Band ihrer neuen Dragonbound-Trilogie, ist ein Spiegel-Nr.1-Bestseller. Ihre Bücher wurden mittlerweile in sieben Sprachen übersetzt. Auf Instagram und TikTok ist sie unter @marienie.schreibt zu finden.